Jili big small is a popular online game. This game has attracted the attention of many players with its easy to understand gameplay and exciting betting methods. Here is a detailed gameplay breakdown of Jili Big Small to help you better understand the game.
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DeskGame background
Jili Big Small is a crap-based online casino game with gameplay similar to traditional "big/small" games. The player needs to predict whether the next roll of the dice will be "large" (4-10) or "small" (2-3 or 11-12).
Game interface:
The game interface of Jili Big Small is simple and clear, and players can easily view the roll and bet options of the dice.
There are three wager options: "Big", "small" and "Big/small".
Betting Method:
Large/Small bets: Players can bet both "large" and "small" bets. If the dice roll is "large" or "small", the player wins the corresponding bet.
Big Bet: If the player only bets "big", then the player can only win the bet if the die rolls 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10.
Small bet: If the player only bets "small", then the player can only win the bet if the die rolls 2, 3, or 11, 12.
jili Game flow:
Players choose the bet amount and bet options before the game starts.
Click the "Roll" button and the die begins to spin.
After the die stops spinning, the roll number of the die is displayed.
Based on the roll of the dice and the player's bet, determine whether the player wins the bet.
deskgame jili Odds:
The odds for large/small bets are 1:1.
If the player bets "big" or "small", then the player loses the bet if the dice roll is 2, 3, 11, or 12.
If a player bets "Big/small", then if the dice roll 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, the player wins the bet.
DESKGAME Jili Big Small is a simple and easy to learn online casino game where players predict dice rolls by betting "big" or "small". The game interface is intuitive and the odds are clear, suitable for both novice and experienced players. Whether you're looking for excitement or a relaxing game atmosphere, Jili Big Small is a great choice.